Farewell February

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Valentine's/Lunar New Year gift from a dear friend. She said the patterning reflects the Lunar New Year clothing. (Bless her precious soul.)

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February is coming close to an end, which also marks the finale of my short-lived taste of independence. This past month has been full of self discoveries that, unfortunately, can easily be disregarded. I've taught myself to cook food that is beyond simply boiling at an instant (stir frying, grilling, steaming and marinating), make floral bouquet arrangements (as a result of Lunar New Year customs) and to keep myself disciplined.

Despite the harm of what too much freedom and independence may bring, this experience has definitely prepared me for university life, and I have to say- I'm ready.

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  1. youre so cute ily omg cant wait to be ready for uni with you!!!! (if i ever get in)
