
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

In the midst of a hectic exam week, I would like to reminisce of a time (beginning of the school semester really) that had been more serene, which was back when I had taken a Buddhist retreat up by a mountain cottage by the border of Quebec. Over a span of four days, I had meditated, read mantras and sutras, and had learned to love the waking at dawn. 

As I write of this, I can remember the warm aroma of hot rice porridge served at dawn during the cold brittle autumn weather of high altitudes, the ringing of the bells that emanated and pulled at my chest every morning, and the cry of the roosters as the sun rose.

I had found a small home in those short days. 

My family and I stayed in cabins across a Buddhist temple that overlooked a dreamy lake and forest. Near the cabins, to my surprise, was a farm of birds: roosters, peacocks, pigeons, turkeys, doves.....all saved by the resident monk from being slaughtered at neighbouring farms, which was really kind and sweet. Everyone at the retreat were kind, much kinder than they usually were when I met them in the temple down in the city. Perhaps it was the calming cool air of the lake and forest or the sweet chirping of birds that made it impossible for anyone to harbour their mundane troubles. 

Already, I can see myself in the future returning to to place, this little home, to escape from the movement of the world and find myself again once in a while. Here's to homes, big or small.

The closest I've ever gotten to a chipmunk.

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  1. its hard not to love your photos!!! BUT MY FAV IS THE CHIPMUNK OMG

    1. :D That chipmunk photo is one of more prized photos to be honest.

  2. This is so, so beautiful... Honestly, I adore your entire blog, it's so amazing, and the effort you must put into it is incredible..

    I hope that you don't mind, but I've nominated you for a Liebster Award, as I feel your blog is something everyone should see.. To find out more, just check out my recent post on my blog :) (

    1. Aw, thank you so much! I really appreciate this.

  3. hi! i really like your photographs! they're very nice 💖💖💖 could i just ask what camera you are using and what filter (if there are any) do you usually use? i would give anything for a photography skill like yours! You be my senpai now! 🙏
